Friday, August 15, 2008

Leaving Tomorrow!

This will be my last post before I leave.  It sounds so final, yikes! I'm not sure how  much posting I'll be able to do in the first few days, but knowing me I'll find the time.  I'm still scrambling to get things packed, but I'm super ready and excited!  

The picture, though generic, speaks of times to come.  In a week or so, I'll be riding through the desert on a camel, and I'm pretty psyched-- though I realize it's not the ideal vacation for everyone.  

I did my first home practice today and did call and response with my recording of the ashtanga invocation for a while.  I'm looking forward to some desert yoga! 


1 comment:

Cathy B. said...

You are a beautiful writer. Are you a journalism major as well. I hope you are having the time of your life. You are in my thoughts and prayers! Love & Hugs, Cathy Bradshaw