Friday, September 5, 2008

Avocados are fruit.

So, the othe night, Mohamed and I took meal number 2 in a corner store in Casablanca. When I say meal 2, I mean at 11ish. This Ramadan thing, woof. Anyhow, I truly understood for the first time that avocados are fruit. I just wanted to eat one, really. Perhaps spread on som e bread with a little cheese. But alas, my yet limited vocabulary- and sudden submissiveness when it comes to ordering- allowed Mohamed to order for me. Out comes this overflowing beer mug, not with beer though (we don't drink in Morocco, let alone in Ramadan, yikes), full of a frothy avocado drink. I came to find out that this is the Moroccan version of a smoothie, and I've had similar concoctions since then. But, it was simply avocado, milk, and sugar that first night. Who knew?
I'm writing after al-Fotur (break-fast) on day 4 of Ramadan. I have done ok so far, not even a drip of water has entered my mouth between sun up and sun down these past four days. Today was the hardest so far. It's so hot in Fez.
There will be much more to come, but this computer is driving me nuts!


Vynl + Schwinn said...

I love Avocados- go to Pocchi Tea and have a mocha avocado bubble tea when you're back on High St. in the states.

Sounds like you are having an up and down time these days but are learning over all-which is good.

I never got to say- (though I'm sure you know) don't ever just say "I'm a lesbian leave me alone" in the 'rocco
You think you'd be killed or disowned for dating someone...but homosexuality is far more a haraam, is it not?

As for the fellow- well, I'll update you, but make sure on facebook you don't allude to his name or anything identifying about him- I joined the network for work and I don't want people to pick up on it.

I miss you-there are so many times I've been ready to pick up the phone and call you and then I cannot. Hope over all you are well.

I'll update you perhaps tomorrow night when babysitting- I'm sitting now, but am quite tired. Maybe I will start my blog.

janet summers said...

mmmm avocado smoothie. they have those here too :)