Sunday, September 7, 2008

You can't judge a shower by its cover.

One may be intimidated by the room in which I showered yesterday. Yikes. That pretty much sums it up. BUT, to my surprise and delight, it was probably the best shower I've taken since I've been here. Hot, lots of pressure, the works. Too bad I felt dirty just being in the decaying room. Tear.

Moving into my host family's house was at first wonderful. I was thrilled to meet my host father and sister, they came to pick me up from the american center in a 'fancy' car. Then we drove just to the border of the old city, very close to the famous Bab ElJadoud, all looking very good. But when I got there, I started feeling a little out of place. My room there is a living room with a curtain up seperating it from the family room where the TV and other noise sources are a constant. So I ended up enduring my second real freak out fee morocco- What do I do??

I ended up coming to my professor's again last night to break Ramadan, and we talked about me moving back with them. I decided to do that, and thus began the stress! To make a long story short, right now, Sunday night, I'm living in my professors house with a pair of pants, a shirt, a night gown, some tennis shoes and a tooth brush. All my possessions are in the other house, yet they know I want to move out. Ensha-allah, everything will be figured out tomorrow.

On a positive note, pictures are soon to come, including one of my and my MOTORCYCLE! Fee lugat el arabia, darraja-narriatee!! yay!

I've spent the day picking it out with Adnan and Simo, Abderrahim's cousin and Samira's brother. We bargained it down to $1,000 and hopefully I'll sell it for about the same price when I leave Morocco. I'm still feeling good about staying here for a year- Bring it on! But who knows, all of this is ensha-allah (God willing). The frequency of that phrase a good reminder for me that it's not all in my control, Thank God!

So, tomorrow, the game plan is: buy insurance, get my gas gage callibrated, pick up my possessions from the host family, work things out with school (and hope they don't kill me or punish me financially), and study a bit more. In fact, studying is what I should be doing now. All this english isn't good for my head :)


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